Greece and Sumer Society

642 Words2 Pages

Greece and Sumer

The Greece and Sumer social structures highlight the differences in their development and transformation. This includes gender roles and relationships, family and social and economic classes. Gender roles are the responsibilities and the ways of the male and female. Family and relationships consists of how a typical family looks like and how they act with one another. Social and economic classes show how each type of class got treated and lay out. How are gender roles relationships and family the same and different? Why did Sumer and the Greece develop socially similar?

In ancient Greece, the traditional roles were clear and defined. Men went off to work. At a young age they were taught to play the lyre, flute and were taught to read and write. The women stayed home to care for children and do housework. They were forbidden from learning reading or writing. They were also prohibited the ability to present their own legal cases or owing property in their own names. In their home Greece women were in charge, if from an upper class, had servants that cleaned the hou...

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