Great Teachers Who Positively Infuence Students to Become Fluent

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In a red beanie chair beside Mrs. Barnes desk in the back of the room I sat with my knees pulled up to my chest and Charlotte’s Web balanced on top. As I read I became a girl determined to save a baby pig, a spider with an incredible web, and a lonely pig. I traveled through the story as if it was my life I was reading about. Books take me on a journey to unimaginable worlds where I can be a damsel in distress, or a circus freak, I can ride a flying pig or stand beside Martin Luther King Jr. as he makes his speeches. Early, on I had teachers who encouraged me to find books that I enjoyed and that could transport me but there are very few teachers who encourage their kids to read and enjoy it. Most teacher assign books that will match the curriculum the school board makes up disregarding the possibility that we might enjoy reading if the right material is found. Teachers have the ability to influence the perspective of how we views reading and, the capability to help transport us into books.
Deborah Brandt says, “People don’t become literate on their own; rather, literacy is sponsored by people.”(Deborah B., 331) As a children we are read to and enjoy the stories we hear, we don’t cry, yell, or scream we sit and listen to the story as if we are the main character. But many times as we learn to read on our own we lose the interest in stories we once had, this has to do with the teachers who influence us. Teachers who force books onto us can cause us to lose the wonder we once had when reading. Teachers need to be aware of us and how they force books on to us. By asking us to read and find a book that we would enjoy within a specific genre they can encourage to participate in the assignment. In high school as a project we were as...

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...o read, to see the possibilities of reading and to help us to be transported into the stories. As teachers they should aim for the enjoyment of reading either by allowing the student the freedom to choose a book or just by giving them time to read at all. My ability to be transported into books and to be transformed into the characters stems from my teachers encouragement to find books that caught my interest. My teachers not only gave me the freedom to choose my own books, but impressed upon me a love for reading and a thirst for the adventures books can bring. All students can enjoy reading, all it takes is the encouragement of a teacher.

Works Cited

Wardle, Elizabeth, and Doug Downs. Writing About Writing. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2011. 331. Print.
Wardle, Elizabeth, and Doug Downs. Writing About Writing. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2011. 354. Print.

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