The Great Genghis Khan

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Throughout history, Genghis Khan marked the past with his unrivaled military power and wisdom. During Genghis Khan’s rule, great influence and improvement was brought to China. He was a fierce Mongolian warrior, born with the name “Temujin”, who lived between 1162 and 1227. He created the largest empire in the world, the Mongol Empire, by destroying individual tribes in Northeast Asia. From many of Genghis Khan’s actions, like promoting religious tolerance for all that lived on the Asian steppe, many great influences and improvements were brought upon China. In many aspects, Genghis Khan’s influences and improvements boasted to the world about the greatness of the Mongol race, especially himself as a ruler. From Genghis Khan’s actions, many effects happened that greatly influenced China.
Through military genius and political cunning, Genghis brought peace to the steppe by joining the individual tribes and clans together into one Mongol civilization, unchallenged by any tribe. First of all, evidence shows that Khan was a natural leader with amazing talent and wisdom in which no one had taught him. He had highly effective political skills and created a strict but fair law code, which effectively disciplined the people of his kingdom. Second of all, he combined the Tators, Merkits, and the Naiman, which were three individual tribes. These three tribes became the three million people that made up his empire. Finally, Khan forced his people to fear him so that he can gain respect and control over the entire nation. If anyone spoke up saying that they were too powerful, he would have them executed and killed - one of the numerous cold-blooded acts of his. For that specific reason, he would cut off one’s ears or simply kill someone, ev...

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...ficantly boasted of his great influences on China, such as his unchallenged supremacy, his requirement for class distinction, and the ruling of such a large domain during that period of time. Class distinction is still an organization of society that many countries still follow today. For example, in U.S.A’s capitalist society, classes are divided into the capitalist class and the working class, where capitalists gain more benefits and can use the working class to their advantage in business. Because America is a powerful nation, America is unchallenged by every country in the world, which is one of the reasons why they were able to overcome Iraq so easily. Despite Khan’s gruesome punishments and violent massacres, Genghis Khan is a role-model of intelligence and power that modern rulers should still trace the footstep of today in order to maintain a durable nation.

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