The Great Gatsby is A Novel In Which The Ending Is Skilfully Prepared Throughout The Text

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"The Great Gatsby" by F.S. Fitzgerald is a novel where we see the use of symbolism of death and ghosts and the use of first person narrative, in order to help skilfully prepare us for the tragic ending of the novel with death of the central character.

Set during the 1920's, "The Great Gatsby" is about ‘Jay Gatsby', who fulfils the American dream by becoming rich. After having fulfilled the American Dream he tries to fulfil his own personal dream by getting back his old love, ‘Daisy Buchanan'. In doing so it results in his own death.

At the beginning of the novel we are introduced to the main protagonist, ‘Nick Carroway' who is the narrator of the novel and therefore sets out his opinions of Gatsby which help prepare us for the end of the novel. Nick is a trustworthy narrator as he feels "inclined to reserve all judgements." In chapter 1 we are given the impression that Gatsby is a complex character, when nick says he "represents everything for which I have an unaffected scorn." This is effective as it helps emphasise his hatred of Gatsby's lifestyle and the ideas which he represents. However he admires the extent of Gatsby's achievements. This is made clear to us when he tells us their houses are next to each other. He refers to Gatsby's as being "a factual imitation of some hotel de ville in Normandy." This shows us the ridiculousness of his house in comparison to nicks "eyesore". The fact that it sis criticising the American Dream shows us his achievements aren't real. This is therefore been seen as effective as it is giving us an insight into the character of Gatsby. It also prepares us for the text=ending">ending as it shows us that society has been selfishly driven into the fulfilment of his personal dream and therefore shows us the drive for the American Dream. Therefore this is seen as being self disruptive but at the same time admiral in his pursuit for happiness.

Through the novel Fitzgerald uses a series of images of death which aid our understanding of the novel as a whole and also skilfully prepares us for the ending. Also in chapter 1 Nick tells Daisy how she is missed in New York, "All the cars have their left rear wheel painted black as armouring wreath".

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