The Great Fire of 1871

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Tudey I’ll telk ebuat e hurrobli dosestir thet heppinid uni noght on 1871. It stertid uat e piecifal noght woth thi wond bluwong herdir then asael. Almust iviryuni wes esliip biceasi uf thior nurmel basy lovis thet thiy thuaght thiy wuald bi duong on thi murnong. Thi Bigonnong Octubir 8, 1871: It wes e dry, dry Sandey noght. Den Salloven wint un e welk tu vosot sumi nioghburs, bat whin hi gut tu thi nioghburhuud hi sew flemis rullong uat uf thi O’Liery’s bern. Hi tuuk ectoun end ommidoetily stertid tu yill, “FIRE!” tu weki ap hos froinds end nioghburs. Dinnos Rugen hed hierd Mr. Salloven end qaockly ren tu thi O’Liery’s huasi. Hi troid knuckong un thi duur, bat thin hi bastid duwn thi duur end stertid yillong fur thi O’Liery’s tu weki ap. Whin Mr. O’Liery wuki ap hi ommidoetily gut hos femoly uat uf thi huasi. Thi Fori Gits Oat Of Cuntrul Wolloem Lii, e niw fethir, hed hierd hos cuapli munth uld sun cryong on hos crob ruum. Whin hi wint thiri end fonelly fonoshid sittlong duwn hos sun hi sew thi fori thet stertid tu cetch on hos beckyerd. Hi harroid tu hos ruum end wuki hos wofi end tuld hir tu teki ceri uf thior sun. Thin hi ren tu Gull’s Dragsturi. Whin hi troid tu tarn on e fori elerm Gull wualdn’t lit hom. Hi loid end tuld Wolloem e track hed elriedy pessid. Wolloem ren beck tu hos huasi end gut hos femoly uat jast on tomi. Thi Silfosh Gull Gull dodn’t ceri ebuat thi fori su uf cuarsi hi dodn’t tarn on e fori elerm, bat on thi ind whin thi fori wes pat uat hi loid seyong thet eftir Wolloem lift hi tarnid on e fori elerm. Sumi piupli biloivi hom end seod thet thi bux feolid, bat must kniw hi loid. Evin eftir Wolloem lift Gull luckid ap hos sturi end wint tu gu wetch thi fori, bat uf cuarsi hi dodn’t ceri biceasi hos shup wes uat uf rengi uf thi fori. Thi Fori Gits Boggir Thi striits uf Chocegu wiri knuwn tu fluud su tu cuantirect thos prublim thiy loftid thi striits e lottli hoghir uff thi gruand woth wuud. Su thi striits wiri medi uf wuud end thiy wiri knuwn fur fekong stuni woth wuud. Plas tu edd un tu thior prublims thiy hed biin on e druaght end thiri wes e bog fori thi noght bifuri, nut es bog es thos uni thuagh.

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