The Good and The Evil In The Lord of The Flies by William Golding

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Even items intended for good and kind uses can still be used for evil by those of a lesser heart. The conch was used to bring the children together, only to become a symbol of power that is abused. The fire is used to make smoke a signal for rescue, only to be used to cook meat and smoke out Ralph. The island they knew one side of the island was good and one side was bad. It was only a matter of time before they ventured to the “bad” side. With the misuse of the conch, the fire and the island, all things that may be intended for good can still be used for bad.
The conch was originally used to bring order and civility to the island but the conch is eventually abused by Jack and other biguns. The conch was viewed as a symbol of power, whoever had it was allowed to speak. When first discussing rules for the island, Ralph proclaimed “‘That’s what this shell [is] called. [I will] give the conch to the next person to speak. He can hold it when he’s speaking. And he won’t be interrupted: Except by me”(Golding, 31). The boys devised this plan to allow everybody speak their mind without interruption. Without the conch, the island would have been in complete and total chaos, there would be no authority and everybody would be distraught. The boys had good intentions, letting everybody speak… But this power is soon abused. “‘I got the conch-’ Jack turned fiercely. ‘You shut up!’”(Golding, 42). Jack will not let anyone against him speak, breaking one of the first rules created on the island. Jack isn’t the only one to abuse the rules of the conch though, all the biguns neglect the littluns even when they have the conch. Everybody laughs at the littluns' ideas, even the other littluns do. The boys may have trouble bringing civilization togeth...

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.... The boys know that one side of the island is more suited for living. As the unfriendly side of the island is full of jagged rocks and creepers. This doesn't stop the boys from craving more meat and traveling to to the more savage side of the island. The side more suited for a savage than a good British schoolboy. The island can be used for the good of surviving, or the bad of being a savage.
Everything can be used for good or for evil. A pie can be made for eating, or it can be thrown at someone's face. The conch used to bring people together or to achieve power. The fire to bring rescue or to hunt and kill. The island, to bring out inner savagery or to be used as refuge. It is important that people use items for good and not for evil so that the world stays a good place.

Works Cited

Golding, William. Lord of the Flies. London: Faber and Faber, 1954. Print.

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