Analysis Of The Golden Ass By Apuleius

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The Golden Ass a novel written by Apuleius takes place during the Roman Empire. Throughout this story we meet a variety of characters who can be used to represent the Roman Empire. Specifically I 'll be looking a Pamphile the witch, Lucius and the boy who owns Lucius the ass. As I stated earlier they each have distinct characteristics which can be seen as staples of people during the Roman Empire. Starting off we 'll look at Pamphile, now her first characteristic which sticks out in my mind is her mysterious nature. From the very beginning of the story Lucius is warned about Pamphile from his mothers friend Byrrhena. Of course instead of listening to the warning given to him Lucius is intrigued by the mystery that Pamphile presents. The next characteristic which sets …show more content…

Let me explain, Lucius throughout the story faces many challenges, mostly difficult and motivation sucking opposition. However no matter what life through at Lucius he overcame it no matter what the trial. As far as the characters I have chosen I am convinced are the types of people we all come in contact with throughout the journey of our life. Firstly we 'll look at the arrogance of Lucius, this causes him to go seeking trouble from something he does not understand which leads to him being transformed into an ass. Likewise in real life we all make this mistake, some never learn while others are able to move forward. We all come across devious people like Pamphile throughout life, they only further detract us from goals. Likewise with the boy we 've all come across or have been angry at something, but will you let that anger consume you or will you overcome it like Lucius. Finally at the end of your journey have you accomplished what you set out for? Maybe your goals changed like Lucius. In other words I strongly believe that The Golden Ass is an illustration of the trials and tribulations of

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