The Eulogy Of Lady Tahat

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Lady Tahat , a chantress and singer to the gods in the temple of Amun at Karnak. On the lid of her coffin, Lady Tahat’s effigy is surrounded by multiple protective gods. They are all colored in the customary colors of red, yellow, and green. Isis is found on the coffin lid’s center. She is the moon and the throne, fertility and healing. As a winged goddess she may represent the wind. Isis represents the “Mother of Life”, because she gave birth to Horus, the god of the sun. Together Isis and Horus created and sustained life. As she is a goddess, she takes whatever form she likes, but usually is seen as a Falcon or with falcon wings. On the mummy board of the Lady Tahat’s coffin, Isis is shown with wings of the Black Kyte Falcon spread …show more content…

The lid of the mummy board is roughly eight to ten feet tall, two to three feet in width and covered in many marvelous and intricately designed gods, goddesses, and other beings that held some level of mythological divinity. There were ostrich feathers displayed on the lid that protruded outward which is associated with the goddess and concept known as Ma’at. Maa’t is more so perceived as an idea or concept than a goddess. As a concept it was balance, justice, and divine order and so to make the idea tangible the ancient Egyptians made it a goddess.

According to John Smith, only women of the upper classes lived under the title “Chantress of Amun” and says it was a very honorable profession. It was typically a title seen through the course of multiple generations, because the mothers passed the occupation down to their daughters. Their main duty was singing in the temples of the residing deity and for Lady Tahat is was for Amun. As a chantress, Lady Tahat would have played a sistrum which is an instrument essentially used by women and with it made beautiful songs and hymns to honor the

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