Environmental Damage To The Environment Essay

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One major problem in today’s society is that of environmental damage. This is affecting everyone throughout the globe at a rapid pace whether it is in the form of climate change, pollution or the destruction of forests and greenery. It has been suggested that the issue has only grown since the onset globalisation and the encouragement of economic development in poorer countries. Many sociologists agree but a few such as Ehrlich and Neoliberalists do not believe that this is the main cause to great environmental damage.

Firstly, Dependency theory see that if the developing world follows the industrial model of the west, like modernisation theory suggest, then this will lead to devastating irreversible damage to the environment. This is due to the fact that the model of capitalism that has been devised by the western world is based on fuelling a lifestyle that revolves around consumption in order to maximise profits. It has been found that many transnational corporations (TNCs) act unethically in export-processing zones (EPZs), which includes producing lots of waste pollution. One real life examples of this is Coca Cola being found to use up and waste the water supply in India for their own production line. The impact of environmental damage is particularly important now as …show more content…

Of course overpopulation of areas and lack of motivation to create and use any renewable and greener alternatives to resources have contributed to this worldwide problem. It seems to be in order to decrease the amount of environmental damage that we currently make, action needs to be taken to get everyone concerned about this issue. TNCs may need more regulation when it comes to pollution and use of resources meanwhile individuals need to be aware of how much they currently use and waste in order to actively put in place operations to prevent

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