Globalization And Social Responsibility Essay

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Globalization is a process as old as civilization. Globalization possibly began 100,000 years ago when humans began to migrate. It has been in full effect since The Silk Road of 206 AD where a collection of trade routes connected the markets of Asia with Arabia, the Mediterranean, and eastern Africa. These trade routes were a significant factor in the development of the civilizations of China, the Indian subcontinent, Persia, Europe and Arabia, much in the same way globalization is believed to have spurred the growth of many countries today. So from the beginning the movements of people sharing goods and ideas were the most basic force behind globalization. However, the world globalize didn’t make its appearance until the 1960s meaning to make global in scope or application. Today, in a highly competitive market and the growing technological age businesses must adapt in order to sustain themselves and maintain competitiveness. With globalization increasing, there are more opportunities for cheaper resources and untapped markets. As a result, foreign markets are a natural progression for any domestic or global corporation. Growth in networks of economic, political, social, scientific, or environmental interdependence to span worldwide distances has created a more integrated world and market. These opportunities, however, …show more content…

So social responsibility, defined as the practice of producing goods and services in a way that is not harmful to society or the environment is coined for corporations as Corporate Social Responsibility(CRS). CRS is defined by the European Commission as "the responsibility of enterprises for their impacts on society” In essence, it is the totality of the corporation embracing social and ethical responsibility in order to create a better quality life for communities that they operate in while generating remaining profitability for

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