Difference Between Globalization And Nation-State

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There has been much debate recently on the subject of migration, globalization, and wether or not it has irreparably damaged or made irrelevant the nation-state form. Many are convinced that globalization has indeed made the nation-state a thing of the past. However I believe the short answer to this is not and easy one, in fact it’s both yes and no, but not as uncomplicated as those two words. Globalization has thus far not made the nation-state completely irrelevant however, it most definitely has transformed certain aspects of the nation-state and it is this that I will argue. In this essay, I will first define the terms ‘globalization’ and ’nation-state’. Focusing on the impact globalization has both internationally and domestically on the nation-state, I will attempt to pinpoint in what ways the nation-state has been transformed or altered and what that means for migration and immigration. …show more content…

The four basic requirements for a nation-state are sovereignty, population, territory and government. In other words, nation-states must rule themselves, have a system of rule, people and a place to rule over. The territory of a state refers to its definitive geographical boundaries. They may, however, change over time due to due to dispute, war outcome, purchase or negotiations between governments. Sovereignty refers to the absolute authority of the state to make laws and enforce them throughout the entire territory without approval from a higher power. The government is responsible for maintaining social order, providing public services and enforcing decisions its citizens must abide

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