Globalization And Climate Change

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As time has progressed, the effect of human activity on Earth has lead to a shift in the way our climates now operate. More recently in humanity’s history, global warming has become an imminent source of worry for the future. The cause of climate change on the planet is directly linked to industrialization and the acute exploitation of fossil fuels. In relation to sociology, globalization is a contributor to the variance in climate, changing how the world operates on a global scale. The choices made by those in power, more specifically those who hold high ranking political positions, are considerably influential to the Earth’s future. While some people may attribute climate change solely to the ice age cycle and deny the very the existence …show more content…

While the Earth has historically gone through fluctuating periods of heating then cooling, “[there is over a] 90 percent certainty that emissions from heat-trapping gases due to human activities have caused [the majority] of the observed increase in globally averaged temperatures since the mid-20th century” (Solomon et al., 2007 as cited in Ekwurzel). These emissions are largely due to non-renewable fossil fuels, like oil, coal and gas, that are burned to power vehicles and produce electricity. Carbon is mined from the Earth’s crust, which is the source of fossil fuels. Global warming is the rise in temperature on Earth, caused by the phenomenon known as the greenhouse effect. Radiation from the sun is reflected onto the Earth’s surface; the solar …show more content…

These nations “with the least resources have the least capacity to adapt and are the most vulnerable to climate change damages, just as they are more vulnerable to their environmental stresses” (Ravindranath et al., 2002). The largest problems will stem be from a lack of water in already water scarce areas, a decline in the crop yields and health issues relating to the climate change. Heat will become a major source of harm and diseases will increase as well (Ravidranath et al,

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