Giving My All in Life

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As another year of volleyball began I walked into the gymnasium with high hopes and a large amount of. I looked around and noticed a few new players, but mostly seniors from the prior year of playing. While seeing the new players warm up and attempt to pass and hit I had a very big sense of pride that I would be the best player on the team, and I was. As practices began I started to pick who and where people were going to be positioned at. I was given the position of the team captain simply because I knew the most about the sport and I was the most experienced. We had are first game, we didn’t do that bad, I could see a lot of errors we made. Players were missing passes, running into each other, from an audience point of view it was quite comical. When we went into the locker room a few of the new players were disappointed because of the loss but most of the returning seniors were just looking at it as another game. Honestly I could’ve cared less if we won or loss, I had been so used to losing that as long as I was doing good and getting good stats I was fine. So the next day at practice you could hear the talk about people quitting because they weren’t getting any playing time and how they weren’t doing good, and it really just brought all morale down. As we had our next game, it was almost like déjà vu when we lost all three matches. At the time I could care less about whether we lost as long as I saw my name in the paper the next day I was perfectly fine. From then on that’s what our season was based on, we travel to schools, lose, and go to practice. There was one day after a game where we had to run for an hour after. Toward the end of that grueling hour we had to race up and down then gym and the first person to finish w... ... middle of paper ... more game after that and we ended are season 2-15. At the beginning of the season I was selfish and I was honestly the captain of the team and that was it. I developed into a leader, and I put the team before I put my own self. In life you can’t go around portraying your self as a big shot. Throughout this experience I actually encountered how if a team doesn’t work together then there goal, which is to win, won’t work. In the career path im trying to go down, there are going to be times when I work with a team, and the position that it want is usually the leader. As a captain of a team you have to be loud, and demanding, you can’t be afraid to over step people’s boundaries. I know in life I won’t win every game, or get every client to buy a product. But there will never be a time where I don’t give my all into something, whether in the court or in the office.

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