Analysis Of Beauty Dance

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An exotic dancers discovers she has breast cancer and after refusing to have her breasts removed, she goes on a self-destructive journey until an unlikely admirer seeks to save her.

GHOST (aka Christine, 40 's), African American, is an exotic dancer. She 's been dancing at the same strip club for years. Her strongest physical attraction are her breasts. She loves being in the spotlight and she has a rule that she never sleeps with John or with her clients.
At the club, she has an admirer, MIKE (attorney, 30 's) who appears to be mesmerized by Ghost.
Ghost 's life changes when she receives devastating news that she has breast cancer. Ghost refuses to have her breasts removed. If she doesn 't, the cancer could spread and she …show more content…

He eventually finds her and takes her to the doctor. To Ghost 's shock, she learns that she 's pregnant. Ghost has found her motivation to live. She and Mike embrace.
One year later, Ghost undergoes breast surgery, as Mike hold their young baby. She has found what she lives for.
GHOST LADY is character-driven drama. It 's a journey of self-discovery. The plot that a stripper, who relies on her physical attractiveness for a livelihood, suddenly discovering that she has cancer and needs to have her breasts removed in a story with merit.
It 's a story with that offers the protagonist a strong moral dilemma. There are solid themes about life motivation and survival. The ending is life-affirming. The script sends a message about finding what motivates one to live.
The story is driven more by the inner conflict of the heroine rather than by an external goal. It 's her internal struggle with her decision and her self-image that drives the plot.
There 's a solid inciting event with the diagnosis of cancer. Getting fired adds to her life struggle. What she has depended on on all her life (her body and her job) is now in jeopardy. Cancer has interrupted her …show more content…

She 's the type of character that can attract talent. She 's tough, flawed, and vulnerable with a strong range of emotion which makes her highly intriguing.
With that said, in every good story there 's room for more development.
As mentioned, Ghost is a compelling character. She makes a telling statement when she says “No one sees me.” This nicely plays to her lack of self-esteem and explains her name “Ghost.” She has great conflict about removing her breasts. She sees this has the one attribute that people love about her. Without her “titties” and her job, she feels like no one will love or see her. She actually uses sex to seduce men, even her doctor. Her backstory isn 't as well understood. She seems to want children, but was told she could not have them.
In contrast, the character of Mike isn 't as well understood. He 's clearly obsessed and mesmerized by her. He says he 's motivated by going after what he wants and hard work, as well as the thrill of victory. He definitely goes after Ghost, but if he were really thrilled by the victory, once he had Ghost one expected he would then be less

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