George Washington's Farewell Address Analysis

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George Washington was a leader of the Continental Army in the American Revolution, and was the first to become U.S. president. All through his two terms as president, not only did he set precedents for the national government and the presidency, he also established many forms in government still used today, such as the cabinet system and the inaugural address. At the end of his second presidential administration, Washington made his Farewell Address an open letter of advice and warning to the American people about their long-term safety and happiness. Several hands produced the document itself and The Farewell Address definitely embodies the core beliefs that Washington hoped would continue to guide the nation. Washington 's philosophy in his Farewell Address clearly expressed the experienced leader 's sense that duty and interest must be combined with all human concerns whether on an individual level or in the collective action of the nation. Washington hailed the greatness that could come from a unity founded on …show more content…

Another issue that led to his decision was that the weight of the office was wearing on him, and he felt that it was time for him to step away from political life and allow someone else to accept the position. In his Farewell Address, Washington started his address showing a sense of humility and he expressed his feeling that he was very grateful to those who placed him in the position, as well as those who supported the decisions he made while attempting to make all the right choices to lead the country down the correct path. Washington was also humble enough to acknowledge that he could not have done any of it without the support of the citizens. He closed this point by warning us about the danger in the future and he also told the American people that he had some specific advice concerning how everyone should act and treat each

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