George Cheyne's Concepts About Medical Science

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George Cheyne's concepts about medical science and the way the human body functions was in many ways very modern, but also still involved very conventional ideas that were well known techniques and concepts that had been accepted by the medical community. In The English Malady Cheyne began to make the transition from previous ideas in the medical community.

1.Cheyne had many ideas about the body that could be seen as the basis for modern medical views.

a)Describing separate systems based on physical organs and systems instead of humors

“These need only suppose, that the Human Body is a Machine of an infinite Number and Variety of different Channels and Pipes, filled with various and different Liquors and Fluids, perpetually running, gliding, or creeping forward, or returning backward, in a constant Circle and fending out little Branches and Outlets, to moisten, nourish, and repair the Expenses of Living. “Pg 5

In contrast to later views by Jewson beginning to understand that there is an underlying cause of symptoms (the disease itself) not that the symptoms are the disease. “Medical investigators concentrated upon the accurate diagnosis and classification of cases rather than upon the prognosis and therapy of symptom complexes.” pg 229 jewson

2.The idea of genetics. Part of cause of diseases

a)But this depends much upon the Degrees of the Distemper, and the original Frame and Make of the Body, even more than can be readily imaging, as I have often had undeniable Evidences to conclude. Pg introduction

b)“A rotten and corrupt Tree can produce nothing but bad Fruit, nor can any natural Cause have a better Effect than its Principles, or Natural Qualities can produce” pg 7

c)This Distention Swelling and Hardness of the G...

... middle of paper ...

...ces foft, fweet, and balfamick.” pg 113

3) the book is writtten with professionals in mind, but it was written in a way that laymen could understand it as well.

Questions to consider:

Refer in particular to the conceptual framework laid out in N.D. Jewson’s article on “the

disappearance of the sick-man.”

You should also show me that you understand the important historical transition

described by Jewson from bedside medicine to hospital medicine.

2. Reasoning

_____ Do you state a thesis? (agree/disagree with statement….)

_____ Do you give at least three reasons that I should agree or disagree?

_____ Do you explain why I should agree with each reason?

3. Evidence

_____ Do you give specific examples (paraphrases or direct quotations)

to support each of your reasons?

_____ Do you explain why I should believe that your examples support

your reasons?

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