George Bush: The World's First President

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From September eleventh to his handling of hurricane Katrina and the invasion of Iraq, there is an abundance of crisis related information we can use to judge, define, and sum President Bush’s leadership. Nevertheless, through his contribution to various cultures, leadership, and social outreach intervention programs President Bush excellently portrayed what it means to be a world president and humanitarian. As President, George Bush made fulfilling his citizenship responsibilities a priority. Hence, due to the fact that he was commander in chief, everything he did came with its degree of controversy or judgment. As President of a powerhouse nation, it was his responsibility not only to engage in the various cultures of the United States, but of the world. Therefore, through his work with combating cancer in Zambia and throughout Africa, promoting women’s rights in Africa’s first women’s summit, and mending foreign policy in India, his commitment and engagement in various cultures and racial groups prevailed—above all controversy. Prior to September eleventh, when the nation knew not of the dangers that lurked, President Bush worked ruthlessly for the American people in every way possible. Nevertheless, after the event that defined our nation and transformed the world, the President was faced with a demoralizing but inevitable task of bringing justice. In the face of sheer terror and uncertainty like no other, the American people turned to their commander and chief for direction as well as action. Although many lives had been lost and no one knew what would happen next, President Bush knew he had to first soothe the nation, and inevitably bring justice for those who perished. Furthermore, President Bush could have chosen to be ... ... middle of paper ... ...P.E.P.F.A.R to tackle AIDS relief, the President is treating more than 1.7 million people around the world (NSDP-58). President Bush's outreach effort, as illustrated by a large map of the world in the room of the exhibit, is composed of small photos of the faces of individuals around the globe suffering from disease. Thus, through his championing of education, economic growth, global health, and human freedom, his passion for civic engagement shone. With all of the judgment and politics aside, George Bush was a remarkable man. Whether President or not, few people could have overcame and surpassed as much trauma, stress, judgment, and hate as President Bush did. His Presidency and his humanitarian actions, within the two terms, without a doubt set a precedent for all future presidents, as well as redefined what it meant to be a contributing global and local citizen.

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