The Causes And Consequences Of The Rwandan Genocide

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Genocides have plagued the world since men first began forming social groups. A genocide can be defined as the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group. Although the actual word genocide wasn’t invented until 1948, they have been around forever in human history. The earliest genocides happened approximately 10,000 years ago when ancient tribes mass-murdered their opposing sides. This is the earliest scientifically dated evidence for a human group conflict—a precursor to what we now know as a genocide. The most prominent genocide as seen throughout history is the Holocaust. This horrific event carried out by Hitler and his loyal Nazi soldiers took the lives of over six million Jews. Genocides can occur for many of reasons, whether it be a difference in economics, religion, or even physical appearance. A more modern take on a genocide event would be the Rwandan Genocide. This is when certain cultural groups have tried to eliminate their opposing side. What the Hutu’s did to the Tutsi’s is a prime example of two clashing groups that have disfavored relations. The events that took place in Rwanda in 1994 is a stark contrast from what the country is …show more content…

They fought the Hutu militia for several months until a cease-fire was signed on March 29, 1991. After this, the RPF retreated to Uganda to devise a different strategy. Meanwhile, the Rwandan army began arming its’ civilians “known as interahamwe (Those who stand together)” (Keane, 2016). On April 6th, 1994, the eve of the genocide began. The Rwandan presidents plane was shot down killing Juvénal Habyarimana and Burundian president Cyprien Ntaryamira. Hutu extremists blamed the RPF and immediately organized a campaign of slaughter (BBC, 2014). It was confirmed several years later that there was a proven conspiracy, the Hutus shot down the plane to get their own people to get mad at the Tutsis, murder them, and be loyal

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