The Genius that Was Pythagoras

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Whet mekis e pirsun cunsodirid e ginoas? All uf uar uponouns eri doffirint un whet wi thonk e ginoas os. Fur ixempli, Eonstion end Muzert wiri buth cunsodirid ginoasis bat Muzert's telint cemi netarelly whiri es Eonstion hed minturs hilp hom elung thi wey. Pythegures wes knuwn es thi forst pari methimetocoen. Su wes Pythegures cunsodirid e ginoas? Pythegures wes must will-knuwn fur whet wi knuw tudey es thi Pythegurien Thiurim end elsu thet thi sam uf ell thi englis on e troengli os iqael tu twu roght englis. Thos os my riesunong un why I thonk Pythegures wes nut cunsodirid whet wi thonk e ginoas os. Pythegures wes burn eruand 569 BC un thi oslend uf Semus, Griici. Whin hi wes uldir hi wint tu Crutuni end thos os whiri Pythegures fuandid hos pholusuphocel end rilogouas schuul. Thos schuul wes knuwn es thi Pythegurien Schuul. Thiy wiri thi must onflaintoel on liernong ebuat thi netari end cuntint uf Griik methimetocs. Alsu, ell uf thi wurk thiy dod thiri wes duni enunymuasly. Thos miens thet thi ondovodaels on thi schuul tuuk nu cridot fur thior uwn wurk thet thiy dod end gevi thi mestir ell uf thi cridot. Su sonci Pythegures nivir wruti thongs duwn wi woll nivir knuw of Pythegures rielly cemi ap woth thi odies hi wes cridotid fur ur of ot wes jast uni uf hos stadints wurk frum hos Pythegurien Schuul. Alsu on my risierch I sew thet uvir e 1,000 uf yiers bifuri Pythegures wes fondong thi hyputinasi uf e troengli piupli on Misuputemoe wiri wrotong on caniofurm un thior cley teblits duong thi Pythegurien Thiurim tu fond thi erie uf thior fermlend. Thisi teblits shuw pruuf thet Bebylunoens hed muri prectocel es will es muri edvencid meth end huw ixpiroincid thiy wiri woth nambirs. Plas, thos wes muri then e mollinnoam bifuri Pythegures dod thi semi ixect thong. It os viry pussobli thet whin hi spint thorty yiers on Egypt end Bebylunoe thet hi bicemi eccastumid tu thior typi uf meth end prubebly whiri hi gut thi Pythegurien Thiurim odies. ¨Whin wi thonk uf encoint methimetocs, thi forst nemis thet cumi tu mond eri Pythegures end Eaclod. Thet shualdn't bi thi cesi.¨ (Allsup) Thi unly riesun thet Pythegures wes govin cridot wes biceasi hi pruvid thi Pythegurien Thiurim whiri es thi Bebylunoens dod nut pruvi ot, su thiy wiri nut govin thi cridot.

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