Erving Goffman And Gender Stereotypes

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Gender stereotype is an existing issue in our contemporary society. Stereotyping based on gender is a social issue because individuals are restricted to behave in certain ways based on their identity as a female or a male. The objective of this paper is to use the theories produced by Erving Goffman, an American sociologist, to understand the existence of gender roles. One of the key issues that will be examined in this paper is the discouragement of “househusbands” in our society, followed by the different ways children are brought up with concepts such as femininity and masculinity attached to their genders. Firstly, Goffman’s theory of dramaturgy, where human interactions are seen as performances in his book, The presentation of self in everyday …show more content…

The role of a househusband has contradicted the well-established front stage expressive equipment of “appearance” and “manner”, creating an inconsistency in the routine of performances. Moreover, gender norms have been reinforced in the society through commercials’ portrayal of social situations. Through the elements of identifying gender in advertisements discussed above, it has been argued how the “feminine touch” constructed the attribute of a female distancing oneself form physical activities. While “the ritualization of subordination” element has reproduced the needs for men to supressed their emotions. “Function ranking” and “the family” are the other elements discussed where there are distinct portrayal between males and females. Consequently, it has made it almost impossible for society to raise boys and girls in the same manner. Therefore, gender stereotype remain in our society today because of the influence of the gender display in advertisements and the embedded routinise front stage characteristics we reproduced on

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