Gender Similarities And Differences

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Gender Similarities and Differences
Gender roles and identity are constantly shifting throughout different societal generations. Men and woman both have notable similarities and differences in genders and they each contribute to their personalities and actions. In the past men have been viewed as a more dominant sex in society over women, both in careers, home life, and sexually, however, today women have bridged many of the gaps and society is accepting a more equal view of genders. The following examines the similarities and differences between men and woman by looking at biological characteristics, gender roles, and sexual responses. When looking at the biological make up of male and females, there are both similar physical characteristics …show more content…

Men have assumed a more aggressive and dominant role “Many traditional gender-based stereotypes are widely accepted in our society. Someof the prevailing notions about men maintain that they are aggressive” (Crooks and Bauer, 2014: p 134), whereas, woman are supposed to nature and run the household “Women are frequently viewed as nonassertive, illogical, emotional, subordinate, warm, and nurturing (Crooks and Buaer, 2014: p 134). However, in today’s society gender equality has become a more common practice where both sexes take on masculine and feminine roles to in every day life “Research suggests that women are less entrenched than men in rigid gender-role stereotypes and are more inclined to embrace positions of equality with men (Ben-David & Schneider, 2005)” as cited in (Crooks and Bauer, 2014: p 135). Due to ability to work from home, woman have accepted a modern role of holding a career as well as raising a family and men are seen working and helping out with regular house hold chores. People are beginning to conform to are less traditional view, but in my personal experience woman still hold a more traditional role and men are still the primary providers for a family. Women tend to be stay at home moms and only work part time jobs, while men establish a career and focus primarily on their work. In smaller communities this seems to be more of a …show more content…

Biologically there are differing physical features s as well as brain characteristics, however men and women start out from the same tissue and can perform equally in many of the same tasks. Traditionally males have fulfilled a more dominant role in society than females, but roles are becoming more equal as females engage in careers and activity outside of the home. It was also previously thought men should initiate sex and be in a committed relationship to one woman, however woman have become sexual initiators and discovered they also can enjoy sexual activity and experiences. As a whole society is recognizing the differences between males and females, but also allowing equal opportunity for either gender to peruse their sexuality

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