Sex Selection Case Study

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Gender selection will lead to distortion of society; only the rich can afford modifications. Since the rich are modified and the poor are not, the modified people will rule over the others. Social problems, such as sexism, will be genetically set in our bodies. Will there for sure be equality though? The public needs to do something about these technologies or the scientists will just keep using them. People need to come together and share their ideas and reasonings so people can reflect more on the values and worth. In India, people are speaking of sex selection as a good idea. As if manufacturing humans and their attributes is ethical. However, sex discrimination will only worsen; India already has started a gendercide of females. Women are used as guinea pigs for eugenic practices; society should be working together towards human rights and equality.
People need to understand women have children for …show more content…

Sex selection is when one uses medical techniques to conceive the preferred gender. This practice brings up questions about sex discrimination, stereotypes, reproductive autonomy, and ethics of choosing children with certain traits. In the U.S, many organizations are against sex selection but have yet taken a position. Sex selection is connected with the idea of a certain gender being superior. People think of gender as categories, either boy or girl, not as a fluid. Some say allowing sex selection is another way to allow abortions; while others say it is better to choose the gender then kill the child all together. Clinics allow sex selection for the first or only child. More common is using sex selection for family balancing. In America, family balancing is used so parents can have a balanced amount of gender. In China, family balancing is used to fix the dominance of males from using sex selection for males in an overloaded

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