Effects Of Gender Inequality In Education

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Like the rest of the world, gender inequality in education has been a large problem in China, but scholars have noted that it in the last several decades’ gender inequality has been decreasing because of economic growth. Dong Qiang et al. states that through their research findings, they have discovered that the inability to read or write was commonly found in females and that men were more likely to have higher education and more years of schooling, but now thanks to economic growth the differences between male and female education opportunities have been decreasing (72). Emily Hannum, Professor of Sociology and Education, notes that, “…the narrowing of gender inequality in education can be expected with economic development; it is thought …show more content…

There is high belief that it will be the male child in the family therefore education opportunities and more investments will be made on the male child, lending to the term of “son preference” that most Chinese family’s deal with. However, with economic growth, conditions have changed and parents in their old age no longer have to rely on their children as much, and, “As a result, all children can enjoy more equal opportunities for schooling” (qtd. In Ming-Hsuan 242). Economic growth has also increased job opportunities for females, which has brought higher reason for investments to be made on their education. What is surprising, however, is how it has some negative effects on male education as well. Ronald L. Moomaw and Ali M. Shatter explain that “…the construction of housing, transportation, and city infrastructures associated with urbanization may demand a large number of less-skilled male workers and increase the opportunity cost of male schooling, subsequently reducing male school enrollment” (qtd. In Ming-Hsuan 243). This may reduce the number of male students, but overall, gender Inequality is improving with the continuation of economic …show more content…

As noted before, there is an unfair judgment that suggests that males are better and more important than females. Qiang et al. presents that surveys have shown the females from poor regions are more likely to drop out of school due to having less expected of them and to help their family with household chores, unlike the males who have less responsibilities after school hours (67). This causes females to have less time or even no time at all to study after they come home from school which leads to them having lower grades and could even make them not care about their education. Males on the other hand only have to help with “seasonal agricultural activities” leaving them time to see to their schoolwork (Qiang et al. 69). Parents tend to put more investment into whichever child is preforming better in the studies, and since females do not have as much time as the males they will not perform as well. This is also a caused by how females are still seen as less important and having them leave their education is often preferred by family household’s because this way they will not have to invest in someone who will eventually marry and leave the family name, unlike the males who will inherit it. If a family has multiple children it is highly more likely that the male children will receive more and their parents will have higher expectations for them (75).

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