The Negative Aspects Of Gender Roles In Modern Day Society

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Gender identity: how one feels and expresses their masculinity and/or femininity. Media is an ever growing attribute to modern day society. Bringing audiences entertainment in forms such as music, television programs, and advertisements, gender roles are mimicked by humans and are a negative attribute to identity formation. These means of press fabricate society 's understanding of what defines a male or female. Furthermore, gender roles exist solely because society as a whole chooses to accept them, but they are perpetuated by the media. The community conforms to these expectations and generalizations and allows media to shape their existence.

Gender roles are targeted towards children through countless advertisements. “The lines, text, colors and images usually lead readers to move their eyes across…” …show more content…

A recent example of this is Meghan Trainor’s new song, Dear Future Husband(4). In the song, Trainor advocates a relationship in which the husband and wife are not equal, but are instead one based on antiquated, heteronormative gender roles. In her song she sings that relationships should include chivalry, which degrades women of their full potential and creates a society containing social inequality. Trainors narrative also explains that her main contribution to the relationship is sex- which she states can be restricted if he does not uphold her expectations, thus making women nothing more than sexual objects to men making them susceptible to exploitation, and it promotes a rape culture. Dear Future Husband also explains that women are to aspire to marriage. And while marriage is understood to be a source of joy and mutual support, Trainor sings that the male should be the dominate being while women are submissive and perform basic household chores. The lyrics encourage a misogynistic attitude and influence audiences to devalue the capability of

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