The Impact Of Gender And Gender Equality In Society

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No country in the world can yet say they have achieved gender equality (Eitzen, Zinn, and Smith 2012). Every society treats women and men differently. Research shows that sex and gender are entirely separate concepts, yet, society lumps them together and the terms oftentimes are used interchangeably. We can distinguish that sex indicates biological differences between males and females, and gender assigns cultural and social behavior based on sex. However, everything in society is needlessly gendered; advertising, occupations, institutions. Society makes gender a huge factor that determines what roles children and adults alike fulfill. This fosters a culture where roles are pre-fabricated for us, somewhat eliminating free choice, and limiting …show more content…

Boys are encouraged to be tough, and competition is also supported. While girls who demonstrate competitive or bold personality characteristics are often labeled as “bossy” or “pushy”. Children construct their own gender identity through their family, but also through school interactions and the consumption of media. “An update of the classic Weitzman study found that although the majority of female characters were portrayed as dependent and submissive, male characters were commonly portrayed as being independent and creative” (Eitzen et al. 2012:246). The impact of this gender inequality goes way further than just childhood play. When male and female stereotypes are deep rooted and taught so early, it is easy to see the connection between that type of socialization and the misrepresentation of women in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and politics. In “The Egg and the Sperm” Martin argues that even male and female reproductive processes are constructed using gendered stereotypes. The egg is described femininely and seen as passive, and the sperm is portrayed as active, behaving very masculine (Ferber, Holcomb, and Wentling 2013). The use of language perpetuates gendered stereotypes and normalizes the higher status of one gender over the …show more content…

Men do not have the benefits of equality either, they are also limited by societal expectations and having to fulfill the requirements of what it means to “be a man”. Gender roles shape the fabric of our society. In the documentary Tough Guise, Katz chronicles the socialization of boys from the moment they are born and as they grow up. Tough guise explains how the entertainment industry feeds messages about masculinity which exclude basic human qualities such as compassion, and vulnerability. These are portrayed as feminine with a negative connotation implied (Earp, Katz, Young and Rabinovitz 2013). In American modern culture children of both sexes are consuming large amounts of media on a daily basis. The documentary MissRepresentation explores the media’s role in the shaping of our society; specifically the media’s treatment of women. When it comes to girls and women, marketers have made substantial profits from objectifying women and setting an unattainable standard of what it means to be beautiful. Hyper-feminized women are all over the covers of magazines, hypersexualized in advertisements, and in movies. Women have to walk a very thin tightrope and the expectations for a good woman are contradicting (Newsom, Scully, Dreyfous, Redlich, Congdon, and Holland

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