Reflection On Gender And Gender

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When I began taking this class (GWS 1000) I knew very little about gender and the different positions it play in sociality today. Growing up you hear about many stereotypes that defines gender and women’s roles, putting them inside little boxes representing a fairy tale form shaped by the media. Gorham states that “Stereotypes give us highly edited and distorted images of groups that tend to support the way groups are treated in society”(2013). Social generalizations of minority groups, have a tendency to reflect the biases and the histories of the majority, with the end goal that the general population being stereotyped are reduced to a couple of attributes that are socially relevant for understanding that group 's placed in the public eye.
Throughout this semester, my attitude has changed dramatically, I am no longer ignorant nor uneducated about the sexuality of others. Yet I have a more clear understanding …show more content…

Sex is a grouping in view of biological differences. For instance, contrasts amongst males and females established in their life structures or physiology. By difference, sex is an order in view of the social construction of social qualifications amongst males and females. Gender shows a social building in regards to culture-bound traditions, roles, and practices, and in addition relations between women and men, girls and boys. Lind describe this matter as “The dividing line between groups that were created in the past condition our perceptions and impressions in the present (2013).” Our knowledge that gender and sex can be used to judge others and our sensitivity to this characteristic reflects our socialization into a race conscious society with a long history of racial satisfaction.” Lind stated. Overall this class has taught me so much about the world we live in, while also educating me on the proper terms to use when address these

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