The Use Of Language In Language, Language And Woman's Place

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Gender has traditionally been broken down into two categories: male and female. These two groups have been at odds with each other since the first humans evolved and the creation and the use of language has proved to be no different. Even in today’s contemporary society, women face many challenges related to equality and the use of language by and about women contributes to those challenges. While it is a controversial issue to prove or, at the very least, correlate data to reach conclusions that men and women speak differently, many articles and books published on the topic suggest this conclusion. Across a wide range of media and communication areas, such as television, print, and computer-related fields, the use of language by and about women differs from that of men, sometimes in a negative fashion. …show more content…

Her work is still recognized today as a key component of the discussion concerning gender differences in language (Bucholtz, 3, 2004). The article and book, among other resources, covered key components concerning differences between men and women’s language usage (Remillard and Williams, 135). Many of her

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