Essay On Gen Y's Motivation At Work

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2.3.2 Earlier findings on Gen Y’s motivation at work
It is an incontrovertible fact that motivation is critical to performance (Millward, 2005: 192; Sarris and Kirby, 2013). The purpose of motivation is to offer individuals what they really want most from work and organisation could expect more from people in return, such as productivity, quality and service (Sarris and Kirby, 2013). Additionally, the influence of Gen Y is increasing in the workforce due to retirements and shrinking generations. As a result, identifying Gen Y’s motivational factors is particular important (Kultalahti and Viitala, 2014). Although some critics point out that the lack of motivation to work hard is more attributable to life stages rather than cohort (Appelbaum …show more content…

Although Gen Ys are somewhat new to the labour market, commentators surmise that they desire great change and substantial variety in their job activities (Lancaster and Stillman, 2002; Baruch, 2004b). They are inclined to plunge into work they find interesting and important even when they know little about it (Holden and Harte, 2004). The biggest motivator of Gen Y is the lack of controls on them as this frees their mind and enables them to engage in assignments that bring about innovation (Broadbridge et al., 2007). Specifically, varying and interesting assignments are mentioned heavily among Gen Y when discussing motivation at work among plenty of revealed findings and stories. On the contrary, demotivation mentioned before might appear simply because work tasks are already familiar and Gen Y has to repeat on the same themes and easy problems over and over again. Interestingly, Martin (2005) argues that change does not startle Gen Y or reduce …show more content…

Effort in the workplace is expended by employees in the form of above motivators (Chung and Fitzsimons, 2013). Gen Ys tend to on behalf of great potential for companies: they crave development opportunities, they are ready to multitask (Freifield, 2007; Rowh, 2007), they are flexible, they are eager to obtain support from their supervisors (Kultalahti and Viitala, 2014). From above literature review chapter, this research has been located within the broader array of knowledge on a particular subject which, in turn, will provide an explanation of the research questions. Now, what the finding ‘say’ and ‘mean’ begin to surface gradually, key points could be extracted from that. In the following chapter, attempt to improve readability and avoid the need for cross-referencing and backward page turning; the writer decides to present an integration of the findings and discussion latter in this library-based

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