Essay On Gender Equality

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Since the very beginning of the Civil Right Movement, along side with African Americans’ revolts, gender equality has been at the top of every debate. However, no matter how hard we try, at the end of the day, the gap between men and women still exists and there is no sign of this ever end soon because the measures that were, and are being taken only concentrate on solving small problems that arise, not the root of it all, with is the culture that we are live in. In short, even though the society has tackled many problems to bring gender equality to real life, the process could never be complete unless the root of the problem is solved, which is the society itself. To begin with, let discuss about how in everyday life, women are raised to …show more content…

To be more specific, in my opinion, the main issue why the culture couldn’t be repair is due to the fact the world that men and women view is completely different from each other, so, they couldn’t feel what the other felt, see what the other saw, which leads to the misconception of the problem, hence creates a dilemma with both not knowing what to do. This could be seen on “What Men And Women Really Think About Gender Equality In The Workplace” by Business Insider, in which the majority of the men believe that the government has done everything it can to give women equal rights to them, while only 29% of women agree with the idea. Furthermore, only 33% of men are convinced that women could attain a high level position based of their gender, while 55% of women say that they couldn’t do it because they are being discriminated against. However, there is actually a question that men and women share the same answer, which is that if they were male, they would earn more and that if they were female, they would earn less. This reveals a sad truth about today so-call modern era, which is that, first of all, men and women view on gender equality, at least in the workplace, is completely different, while one, whom never suffer from it, believes that it is just a concept, …show more content…

For instance, start from the ground like what African Americans did in order to achieve their goals; banners, manifestations, presentations and much more. Secondly, begin to fix the problems in work places, such as making more flexible work time so that both men and women could perform their best and not be interfere by any time issue or anything else, such as picking up kids, making dinner, doing the houseworks,… so that there is no excuse what so ever and that the best workers are the ones that are being promoted. Furthermore, doing this could begin the process of tearing down the glass walls, or the beariers that keep women from moving up in their field. For instance, if in the past, women are often place in supporting position such as human resources or public relations because they are not reliable enough due to the fact that they often go home early for family related problems, then now, with a more efficient schedule, women can gain trust from the higher officials in the company and so, could be trusted with core positions such as sales, or marketing. Last and most importantly, if the effort must be made by individual, then begins to teach children, and the following generations about gender equality, educate them about it, reinforce their believes, and tell them to exercise them because even

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