Gap Analysis: Kuiper Leda

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Gap Analysis: Kuiper Leda Kuiper Leda Incorporated (KL) is a relatively small company that manufactures Electronic Control Units (ECU's) and Radio Frequency Identification Device (RFID Tags) for the automobile industry. They focus on the quality of their product and delivery responsiveness and their clients include automobile manufacturers and Original Equipment Manufactures (OEM). Midland Motors, a well-known large company has signed a year-long contract with KL as a supplier for all their ECU's and RFID Tags. KL need to organize their structure to increase the daily capacity to handle Midland Motors order of 250,000 Electronic Component Units and 35,000 Radio Frequency Identification Device tags. KL also need to decide whether to outsource all or part of the component needed. Situation Analysis Issue and Opportunity Identification Kuiper Leda is a small electronics components manufacturer that specializes in Electronic Control Units (ECU) and sensors for the automotive industry. Kuiper Leda currently produces 250 RFIDs and 1,250 ECUs in one day of production. The company recently received an order from Midland Motors to supply 250,000 Electronic Control Units (ECU) along with 35,000 Radio Frequency Identification Device (RFID) tags. Midland Motors is a large company which maintains a close and long-lasting relationship with their vendors; it would be a devastating decision to turn their order down. The present order is above the existing capacity level of the KL plant to handle. The situation presents KL with the opportunity to develop a plan to strengthen their reputation in the industry by increasing their capacity levels. One of the fundamental responsibilities of operations management is to provide the capability to satisfy the future and current demand. Kuiper Leda lacks an effective Inventory Management to handle properly the increase in demand of stock and production. An inventory management plan would be capable of forecasting errors in production, client-required service levels, total lead time in manufacturing a unit or batch of the product, and demand priorities. Inventory control is a challenge currently because of the size of Midland Motor's order. In order to meet the demand the company needs to increase the inventory which increases the inventory costs. KL have an opportunity of using the Just - In - Time method of inventory control which eliminates waste by making the resources and labor available only in the time and amount required. It will help increase productivity, product quality and work performance while saving inventory costs for the company. (Curtin, 2008). Kuiper Leda also needs to keep in mind that they will still have to fill orders from other clients that have previously placed orders or even new customers.

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