The Telecomotion: The Main Types Of Locomotion

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Locomotion is the ability to move from one place to another. We use locomotion every day without even thinking about what we are doing. For most of us, walking is the main method of locomotion, it requires balance and could even be described as controlled falling. Taking just one step uses 200 muscles throughout the entire body and walking uses all the joints and muscles of the lower limb. "It is characterized by an ‘inverted pendulum‘motion, the body vaults over the non-moving limb."(The Functional Anatomy of Walking – Positive Health Online.) When humans walk, it usually consists of a repeated gait cycle. The gait cycle contains two phases, a stance phase and a swing phase. The stance phase accounts for 60% of the gait cycle, and the swing …show more content…

This is the second stage, known as the support stage. The support stage also uses many different muscles, the quadriceps femoris, foot invertors and everters and the gluteus minimus, medius and tensor fascia lata. During the support stage, the quad is used to keep the leg extended and accept the weight of the body. The foot invertors and everters work together to stabilize the foot. There are two muscles that produce inversion, tibialis anterior, and tibialis posterior. The tibialis posterior comes from the back of the tibia, the back of the fibula, and from the interosseous membrane in between. Its tendon passes directly behind the medial malleolus, through a fibrous tunnel that’s covered by the flexor retinaculum. The tibialis anterior, which inserts so close to tibialis posterior that it has almost the same line of action, but plays a role in ankle dorsiflexor. The three muscles that are used to evert the ankle are the peroneus longus, brevis and tertius. The pernoneus brevis arises from the distal fibula, on top of it is peroneus longus. It comes from the proximal fibula. Its origin extend up into the head of the fibula. In front of peroneus brevis and longus, is peroneus terius. It comes from the fibula. The tendons pass under the extensor retinaculum, and in front of the lateral malleolus to insert on the base of the fifth metatarsal, next to …show more content…

The two stages in the swing phase are the leg-lift and the swing. The first stage of the swing phase is the leg lift. This phase is ready after the foot leaves the ground, and the lower limb is raised. Both the lliopsoas and rectus femoris are used in the first part of this phase. The rectus femoris is a muscle in the quads, and is the only muscle that can flex the hip. It is attached to the hip and helps to extend or raise the knee, and is also used to flex the thigh. The iliopsoas muscle is a muscle in the inner hip muscles. It is made of two muscles, the psoas major and iliacus muscle. The lliopsoas and rectus femoris work together to flex the lower limb at the hip, which drives the knee forward. Once again the hamstring muscles are used, and they flex the lower limb at the knee joint. The anterior compartment of the leg is also used during this phase. There are four muscles in the anterior compartment of the leg, they are the tibialis anterior, extensor digitorum longus, extensor hallucis longus and fibularis tertius. They work together to dorsiflex and invert the foot at the ankle joint. The tibialis anterior muscle is found on the lateral surface of the tibia, and is the strongest dorsiflexor of the foot. It starts from the lateral surface of the tibia, attaches to the medial cuneiform and the base of metatarsal I. The extensor digitorum longus lies lateral and deep to the tibialis anterior. It begins at the lateral condyle

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