The Functions of the Immune System

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Immune System Research Paper

1. EQ: How does the structure and function of my immune system keep me healthy?

The structure and function of our immune systems is a great help for our body to keep all of us healthy. Our immune system has a specific structure that it should maintain. There are also organs that play a major part for the health of our immune system. These organs are called lymphoid organs because of the lymphocytes that inhabit that area. (white blood cells) Bone marrow is also one of the key elements for the immune system, this is where all of our blood cells are being made along with the white blood cells. With the help of the bone marrow, white blood cells are constantly traveling throughout our bodies using the blood cells for help. Another structure that is important for our immune system is lymphoid tissue. Lymphoid tissue acts as a gateway into our bodies that help to prevent incoming germs.

Describe the function of the immune system:

The function of the immune system is it helps play a vital part of our everyday lives. It helps protect our bodies where ever we go. Our immune systems help defend our bodies against germs and microorganisms. The immune system is made up of various special cells, tissues, organs and proteins. This special system does an amazing job of keeping our bodies healthy and in good shape from different diseases and infections.

Explain how the skin functions as a defense against disease:

Our skin functions as a daily defense for our bodies against disease because of skin and mucous membranes. The skin is a massive organ and it protects everything inside our bodies such as our muscles, bones and organs. Our skin protects us from bacteria, parasites, viruses and pathogens ...

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... each and every day how to fight against germs that are unfamiliar to them. Our bodies play a vital area as to how our bodies are getting sick or healthy. A sudden change of diet can have a negative affect on our bodies, I have experienced this myself when we changed to a vegan diet for a week.

How can I keep my immune system in good health?

How you can keep your immune system in good health is pretty easy. The best thing for your body is to wash your hands to get rid of any germs that are trying to penetrate your skin, eating the right foods, lots of exercise and always enough sleep. You wan’t to be careful on what foods you are putting into your body, and how you sleep on a regular basis. You should also be careful on where you have been and what you have touched, you never know where a certain object could have been and what diseases are spreading around.

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