Life: Lillian Rose Lee And Robert Frost's Life

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Robert Frost said many famous quotes throughout his lifetime, including “In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: it goes on”. During early life Frost grew up in a home with a father who was rough around the edges and a mother who suffered from depression. Frost’s father died from alcoholism and his family promptly moved to Massachusetts. Robert Frost began to pursue a life in college but dropped out with barely a semester finished in order to work. Frost set two goals, one in which was to get a poem published, he struck out repeatedly in both goals. Frost fought to be published by big publishing companies and thrived to become a famous and well known writer. Frost left the United States in 1912 and returned from …show more content…

Lee started out in a loving home, that turned into her running away from home at the age of fifteen. Lee became well known with drugs and went on to having a son. Lillian Rose Lee was kidnapped one day while walking along the road and was held captive for eleven years. Since then Lee has begun to live out her dreams(Bush). Even after captivity, Lee decided to continue her life in a positive way. Living life the way a person wants to should be an individual 's main priority, and Lillian Lee is a prime example of this and shows that life really does go on. In an effort to change her life for the better, Lee knew she had to make major changes within herself. One article about Lee’s life after captivity says, “Knight legally changed her name to Lillian Rose Lee and has become an advocate for victims of abuse and violence(Jones).” Michelle Knight, or Lillian Rose Lee, has become a major survivor from numerous events, and had the courage to make a commitment of changing her name. Lee helps to let other victims know that life will be okay. Lillian Rose Lee’s life obstacles are not over yet though, she still has many more to come and she knows it. Lillian Lee will probably never have children or see her son again due to the fact that he was adopted while she was in captivity, but she has decided to not let that stand in her way of living her life. She has rode a motorcycle, recorded her first single, and dedicates her time to helping survivors(Jones). Therefore, instead of dwelling on the past, Lee has decided to be happy and make her dreams come true. For Lillian Rose Lee, life still goes on and seems to be going in her

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