Freud's Theory Of Psychoo-Sexual Development

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1. In Freud’s theory of psycho-sexual development he describes a trajectory of human development in terms of Oral Stage, Anal Stage, Phallic Stage, Latency, and the Genital Stage. In your own words, define the developmental focus and achievements of each stage. ----------------- Throughout all the stages of psycho-sexual development one is developing their personality. They do this by manifesting their libido with various erogenous zones (pleasure-centers) of their body. The general goal of one’s development in any of these stages is the regulation of pleasure and thus a stabilized personality (capable of regulating pleasure). But the denial of this goal can (in theory) lead to other sorts of personality disorders later in life. ----------------- During the oral …show more content…

In your own words, define the following terms, and their functions, within the economy of Freud’s understanding of the psyche: Unconscious, Conscious, Instincts, Psychic Energy, Anxiety, Defense Mechanisms----------------- The Unconscious domain of the psyche is a vast storehouse of instincts, impulses, and mostly automatic processes which effect our thoughts, actions, and worldviews. It is largely beyond our notice or control. ----------------- The Conscious domain of the psyche is really a small fraction of it. Consciousness is what is necessary to give attention to the contents of the world around us as well as the domain of the unconscious contents, inside us. It also what is necessary to help regulate and coordinate the interactions of these various contents ----------------- Instincts are what give aim to cetain psychological processes. The instinct for food or sex (instincts for life) or instincts for the recognition of our finality or seeking purpose (death instincts), direct our thoughts and behaviors in all manner of ways. ----------------- Psychic energy is simply the raw energy which underlies all our actions and thoughts. It also crystalizes within instincts.

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