Freud and Mead´s Theories

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Freud’s Element of Personality Freud started out as a trained physician. He gradually branched out and began studying human personality and mental disorders. Eventually, Freud developed the theory of psychoanalysis. “Freud claimed that biology plays a major part in human development, although not in terms of specific instincts, as is the case in other species”(pg.104). In his theory, he believed that humans are born with two basic needs. The first he called Eros, the Greek god of love, which is the need for an emotional or sexual bonding. The second need Freud called Thanatos, the Greek word for death, which is the desire to be aggressive. “ Freud combined basic needs and the influence of society into model of personality with three parts: id, ego, superego”(pg. 104). Humans have an unconscious demand for satisfaction. Freud calls this need “id”, the Latin word for “it”. The id is the one component that a human has at birth. It is the part of the personality structure that is unorganized, which contains human's basic, instinctual drives. The id is where our needs wants, impulses,...

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