My Six-Year-Old Son Should Get A Job Summary

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What is free trade? Many American’s have a broad and sometimes-false idea of what free trade actually is. Free trade “refers to the economic philosophy and practice of reducing barriers such as tariffs, taxes, subsidies and quotas so that raw materials, goods and services can move unhampered across national borders.” (68) Various options have arisen about whether or not free trade benefits developing counties or not. I believe that free trade is not favorable or helpful towards developing counties. Free trade benefits few but not the masses, is in favor of rich companies with large corporations, means a loss of power and political control on a national, regional and local levels of government, as well as allows for child labor and there for …show more content…

How protecting them from labor will ultimately do more harm then good when child start to enter the work force and how education isn’t a long term investment to them but a lose of money right now. Working will give his six-year son a sense of money value, work ethic and expose him the more competitive atmosphere for which he will enter later. Ha-Joon Changs says this is the one of the main problems with free trade and how the justify large-scale trade liberations in developing countries. (p.93) Developing counties should expose there youth to more completive atmospheres, like the working industry so that they gain experience in manufacturing. (p.93) It’s thought that this will help the development along in counties. Although, children working does help in the short term these counties don’t have youth that will be prepared to create companies that will benefit the economy of a country in the long run. Education is a long-term investment and counties with child labor will not survive without people who …show more content…

When I think about free trade Starbucks Coffee and benefits for workers comes to mind. Is it true that by spending more money on a cup of coffee I’m promoting better conditions and pay for workers in other counties? Moreover am what I’m buying at places like the gap, banana republic really made by 8 year children unsafe work places?” Like my friend above many American’s are un-educated and have misconceptions about what free trade is and what it means for them as well as the people who are making there produces. Just because you pay more money for something doesn’t mean workers are being treated right by companies. Starbucks might be paying extra for its coffee but only to the people who pick it or grow it. The people who pack the coffee in its rappers could be working in unsafe working conditions, be children or be working 14 hour days. For us here in America with the tough economic times and people trying to live on budgets and save extra money its hard not to shop at places like Wal-Mart who provide cheap deals. Wal-Mart however can have such cheap prices and good deals because not only do treat there employees here poorly but they also have cheap labor abroad. Because were struggling in our home land its hard to look beyond and see what’s happing in other places. Our mind set also keeps us from think about the cheap cloths we buy on a deal because we have unions, codes, and laws that prevent child labor, super long days, and

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