Describe Three Characteristics Of Interpretual Frameworks

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A. Create or find online a visual that you think represents a main point from all of the readings. Explain it. Make sure to refer to at least two of the readings (1 paragraph).

The readings this week identify the foundational components of a study. According to Maxwell (2013), a conceptual framework is “primarily a conception or model of what is out there that you plan to study” (p. 39). Sources that contribute to the design of the conceptual framework are experiential knowledge, existing theory and research, pilot and exploratory research, and thought experiments. Since the conceptual framework supports other parts of the study, it is shown as the foundational piece, or the supporting layer of the pyramid. Moving a layer up, is the literature review. The literature review informs both the conceptual framework and the research problem statement (Rocco & Plakhotnik, 2009). This connection is identified by the arrows. (Work flows among all three areas.). Completing this foundational work, is the research problem statement. The research problem statement, which is informed by both the conceptual framework and literature review, informs the readers of the reasoning for studying an issue or problem (Creswell, 2013).

B. Describe three characteristics of interpretivism and explain them (1-2 paragraphs).
Interpretivism is subjective. As …show more content…

I like the detail of this conceptual map as it is representative of numerous components that can contribute to or impact learning. Being colored coded and providing a key assists one in identifying the varying categories of the components. I do wonder if some of the rays could have been arrows, indicating an impact that is two ways or mutual impact instead of one being one way. For example, maybe course implementation impacts the mathematics knowledge for teaching as well as the opportunities to

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