Individualism And Uniqueness Of Me

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As every person is a unique individual so are their experiences. Many people come from near and far only to be set apart by what unique experiences they have collected. There are many factors that go into the formation of individualism and uniqueness of people. These factors help create the diversity amongst people in society today. Some components that help people achieve variety amongst each other includes where they come from, how they spend their time, and what places they have seen. These components help individuals better understand one’s self, helping to unfold future goals and desires. Since these factors help mold people into who they are, I will share these experiences about myself.
I am eighteen years old and was born and raised in Oklahoma. From birth up until the age eight, I lived in Calumet, Oklahoma on the countryside of the Canadian River. I grew up as a barefoot child following in my brother who is one year elder’s footsteps. We had no close neighbors and enjoyed the privacy outdoors. At age eight, I moved to Piedmont, Oklahoma. Although this is a small town, it was still an adjustment moving from the countryside to a neighborhood. I graduated from Piedmont High School in 2016 after attending Piedmont Schools for …show more content…

I currently am majoring in Biological Science. Even though I am not sure on want I want to do with my degree after school, I have a general idea. I chose biological science because I enjoy learning about the nature of life and how things work. I am intrigued by the natural world and have a passion for deepening my understanding of it. I want to use this university education to help better the world and protect the natural environments. The knowledge of biological science that I gain only expands my desire to help improve the environment in any way I can. As long as I can help improve the environment weather it be through research or active leadership, I would enjoy my field of

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