The Pros And Cons Of American Foreign Policy

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There is no doubt that, in today’s increasingly global society, foreign policy is an extremely important aspect of American activities. However, despite that importance, most Americans are either extremely apathetic, or extremely adverse to most foreign policy measures. Citizens have increasingly shown a preference to remain out of the world’s problems as much as possible. In 2013, the Pew Research center conducted a survey to find out what percentage of Americans believe that the United States should “mind its own business internationally”; a 52% majority agreed, compared to 30% in 2002, and an even smaller 20% in 1964. And according to Capital Communications Group, studies show that 95% of Americans have little to no interest in foreign policy After Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor, the United States fully abandoned isolationism, jumping into the fray by declaring war on Japan and sending troops to fight in Europe, bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and emerging from the war victorious as a world superpower. The Cold War started immediately after, pitting the United States against an equally powerful Soviet Union, and causing the American government to adopt a foreign policy of deterrence, in which it tried to convince the Soviet Union not to attack the United States while building up its own arsenal of nuclear weapons in case of an attack. At the same time, America tried to stop the spread of communism however it could, both by sending pro-American propaganda abroad as well as engaging in warfare. Both the Korean and the Vietnam wars resulted from this policy, and both were pointless and hugely unpopular (Vietnam more so than Korea). The tide of American opinion toward foreign policy began to turn as a result of these wars; before, an overwhelming majority of Americans supported the government’s decisions to become involved in foreign problems. After seeing the mass destruction that led to no gain that the Korean and Vietnam wars caused, American citizens began to call for the government to change its aggressive foreign policy and step off of the world

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