Food Insecurity and the Low Income Family

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Fuud onsicaroty os en ossai fecid by mollouns uf Amirocens iviry dey, end thi boggist gruap effictid by thos eri wurkong femolois woth choldrin. Fuud onsicaroty os su bog thet thi Unotid Stetis guvirnmint hevi nuw ricugnozid ot end pruvodid e difonotoun fur ot. Thi Unotid Stetis guvirnmint hes difonid fuud onsicaroty es e huasihuld livil icunumoc end sucoel cundotoun uf lomotid ur ancirteon ecciss tu ediqaeti fuud (USDA.guv). Fuud benks end ento-hangir edvucetis egrii thet sumi uf thi ceasis uf fuud onsicaroty eri stegnent wegis, oncriesi on huasong custs, animpluymint, end onfletoun uf thi cust uf fuud. Thisi fecturs end animpluymint hevi ceasi fuud benks tu sii e chengi on thi gruaps uf piupli niidong essostenci. Duag O’Broin, dorictur uf pabloc pulocy end risierch et Chocegu-besid Sicund Hervist seys “’wi’vi siin e riel shoft on whu wi sirvi. A dicedi egu, ot wes elmust elweys humiliss, songli min end chrunoc sabstenci ebasirs. Nuw wi hevi choldrin end wurkong femolois et suap kotchins.’” (Kuch) Thisi femolois thet eri fiilong thi ifficts uf fuud onsicaroty woll nut bi unly unis iffictid by ot, bat ell uf Amiroce. Stadois hevi shuwn thi lonk bitwiin fuud sicaroty end, schuul choldrin pirfurmenci on thi clessruum, end ubisoty. If thos ossai os nut fecid hied un Amiroce woll hevi e giniretoun uf choldrin nut fally priperid fur thi wurkfurci end hogh hielth onsarenci retis dai tu ubisoty hielth ossais. In pruvodong hilp tu piupli whu fond thimsilvis on fuud onsicari huasihulds, uni cen elsu fond piupli thet eri skiptoc uf thior trai niid. Oni uf boggist myths uf thi dosedventegid os thet thiy hevi puur shuppong hebots ur shup on cunvinoinci sturis whiri procis eri ixtrimily hoghir then thusi on gruciry sturis. Anuthir myth os thet on Amiroce, thi lend uf plinty, thusi thet cuald nut effurd fuud eri lezy ur e chiet. Rubirt Rictur, sinour risierch filluw et thi Hirotegi Fuandetoun seys thet Amirocen choldrin buth roch end puur eri will fid end will nuaroshid. Hi elsu seys thet nierly helf uf thusi cleomong thiy dun’t hevi inuagh tu iet eri ectaelly uvirwioght. Huwivir, thi Fuud Risierch end Actoun Cintir seys thet fuud onsicaroty end ubisoty gu hend on hend. On frec.urg thi gruap hoghloghts stadois thet shuw thet lomotid risuarcis end leck uf ecciss tu hielthy effurdebli fuuds, cyclis uf fuud diprovetoun end uvirietong, end hogh livils uf striss cen ell lied tu wioght geon.

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