Persuasive Essay About Food

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That is a good but complicated question No I feel that the government should not tell me what food to eat, but yes I did trust them to do their part that US has healthy food available. I learn I it not so it was just a thought is possible I am not eating healthy. What I mean is very complex and may not be able to get across everything so I am going to try to answer your question of Why or Why not.

The government has FDA Food and Drug Administration or one part of their “Mission of the Unified Foods Program is to Protect and Promote Public” Health” and one of them is; “ensuring the safety of foods for humans...” (FDA) I will focus. I feel that they have not watch the industry close enough and with the article and film Food, Inc. is how our food been produce and not in the hands of these farmers, but of these food industry of …show more content…

This I believe with these kinds of treatments to the livestock, is unhealthy not to mention animal cruelty is just another story. That to the FDA one of the mission statement “ensuring the safety of foods for care and feed should have control and regulated to the Food Incorporation so in this way they should have the control and regulate not to feed our livestock food that naturally they do not eat or the additives such as corn, growth hormones and antibiotics, which does pass to the consumer.
Nevertheless, this is complex subject, but I want to eat healthy and I trusted the farmer to produce my food. It is solely not their responsibility, but reason are so bad, but the Industries of food is mostly responsible. Yes is my answer, but in what I eat No like I mean the food I purchase I should and everyone should have that part to

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