Flannery O' Connor

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Flannery O’ Connor was a Southern author who “wrote during a time of great social change, those changes- and the relationships among blacks and whites- were not at the center of her fiction.” (New, n.pg). She was a very spiritual person whose faith shined through her works. She was said to be one of the strongest apologists for Roman Catholicism in the twentieth century. “A Good Man is Hard to Find”, is an example of how she “consciously intended to underscore bolding one’s common sinfulness and need for divine grace.” (New, n.pg). Flannery O’ Connor wrote “A Good Man is Hard to Find” for an audience who did not share her belief in the fall of humanity and its need for redemption.

Flannery O’ Connor was born on March 25, 1925, in Savannah, Georgia. Her parents, Regina Cline and Edward F. O’ Connor, were descendants from two of Georgia’s oldest Catholic families. She began her education in the Savannah’s parochial schools but moved to her mother’s hometown, Milledgeville, in 1938. In Milledgeville, Flannery attended the Peabody Laboratory School that was associated with Georgia State College for Women. Today, Georgia State College for Women is called Georgia College and State University. At 15 years old and as an only child, Flannery lost her father due to systemic lupus erythematosus. Being as close as she was to her father, she decided to remain in Milledgeville and attend Georgia State College for Women as a day student in an accelerated three-year program. (New, n.pg)

While attending Georgia State College for Women, Flannery served as editor of the college’s literary magazine, Corinthian. She also had the unofficial job as campus cartoonist. “Before devoting herself to writing, she considered a career as a cartoonist.” (Fl...

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...did not share her belief in the fall of humanity and its need for redemption. She wrote about her religious beliefs and the human condition which elevated her writings to a level of great literature (O’Connor Biography, n.pg).

Works Cited

"Flannery O'Connor." Www.kirjasto.sci.fi. 2008. Web. 11 Mar. 2012.


"New Georgia Encyclopedia: Flannery O'Connor (1925-1964)." New Georgia Encyclopedia. 3

Mar. 2009. Web. 11 Mar. 2012.

"O'Connor Biography." Georgia Center for the Book. 15 Dec. 2000. Web. 11 Mar. 2012.


"O'Connor on "A Good Man Is Hard to Find"" Error. Web. 11 Mar. 2012.


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