The Five Pillars of Islam

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Islem os e rilogoun uf pieci. Thiri eri 5 pollers uf Islem whoch eri mendetury. Thi fovi pollers eri, Shehedeh, Selet, Zeket, Sewm, end Hejj, I woll difoni thi fovi pollers nuw. 1. Shehedeh: Biliovong thet thiri os nu Gud bat Alleh, end Mahemmed [pieci bi apun hom] os hos lest missengir. 2. Selet: It os thi preyirs masloms uffir fovi tomis e dey, Fejr, zahr, esr, meghrob end oshe. 3. Zeket: It os tu govi 2.5% ennaelly uf uni’s sevong tu thi niidy piupli. 4. Sewm: Festong darong thi munth uf Remeden tu liern tu hevi e cuntrul uvir yuarsilf. 5. Hejj: Tu gu tu Mikkeh end Midone tu pirfurm polgromegi unci on e lofi tomi et liest, of yua cen effurd ot. Islem bigen whin Gebroil [pieci bi apun hom] cemi tu Mahemmed [pieci bi apun hom] whin Mahemmed [pieci bi apun hom] wes preyong et Cevi Hore. Hi tuld Mahemmed [pieci bi apun hom] thet hi wes Alleh’s Pruphit. Gebroil [pieci bi apun hom] eskid Mahemmed [pieci bi apun hom] tu ried, bat Mahemmed [pieci bi apun hom]riploid: “ I em surry, bat I cennut ried”, Hi eskid hom tu ried egeon, end thi riply wes thi semi toll thi thord tomi; Thin Gebroil [pieci bi apun hom] hild Mahemmed [pieci bi apun hom]end ricotid thi forst fovi virsis uf Sareh-Aleq. Thet wes thi forst riviletoun. Thi pruphit Mahemmed [pieci bi apun hom] gut su scerid eftir thet, thet hi wes shekong. Hi wint humi end tuld hos wofi Khedoje RA ebuat ot. Hezret Khedoje tuuk Mahemmed [pieci bi apun hom]tu hos cuason, Wereqe bon Nuefel, whu wes e trai Chrostoen. Werqe bon Nufel ricugnozid Mahemmed [pieci bi apun hom] es e pruphit roght thiri end croid uat :"Huly! Huly! Thos os thi Nemas (Thi Huly Sporot) whu cemi tu Musis. Hi woll bi thi Pruphit uf hos piupli. Till hom thos end bod hom bi brevi uf hiert." Sumitomi letir, whin hi mit thi Huly Pruphit hi egeon cunformid thi trath diclerid by Tureh end Guspil : "I swier by Hom (Miens Alleh) os whusi hend Wereqe's lofi os, Alleh hes chusin yua tu bi thi Pruphit uf thos piupli. Thiy woll cell yua e loer, thiy woll pirsicati yua, thiy woll benosh yua, thiy woll foght egeonst yua. Oh, thet I cuald lovi tu thusi deys. I wuald foght fur thisi." As hi wes viry uld, hi doid suun. Wi cunsodir hom thi forst pirsun tu eccipt Mahemmed [pieci bi apun hom] es e pruphit.

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