Comparison Of The LEARN Model

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The second model is the LEARN model which was developed by Dr. Elois Ann Berlin and Dr. William Fowkes (1983). It has similar objectives to the previous pneuomnic, which are to provide health care practitioners with a simple pneumonic to improve cross-culture communication. This model should not be viewed as a separate pneumonic to memorize but rather a complimentary method to implement culturally appropriate health care for all patients.
The L stands for listen. As a health care practitioner it is the foundation of effective care for health care providers to be able to listen and understand the patient’s perception of their chief complaint. Additional questions may be required to elicit a complete answer from the patient such as what do you believe is causing your problem? How do you think your illness has impacted your life? And, what do you feel is the most beneficial for you at this time? The aim of all these questions is to provide the physician with a comprehensive understanding of the patient’s perspective of their disease.
The E stands for explain. This step is to allow the health care practitioners to expand and elaborate about why they believe the symptoms the patient has described is one ailment versus another. For example if a patient presents with a sore throat that is caused by a virus, it would be critical for the physician to explain …show more content…

At this point it would be appropriate for the physician to recommend a treatment plan that takes into account the patients’ concerns as well as their cultural requirements. It would not be appropriate to recommend treatments that do not align with the patients’ culture. For example, some cultures do not believe in the use of suppositories. Thus is would be inappropriate to prescribe a patient diagnosed with ulcerative colitis Canasa®, a rectal suppository. Instead it would be more appropriate to initiate an oral regimen of mesalamine in order to improve adherence (Kornbluth & Sachar,

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