First Impressions

654 Words2 Pages

Elvia L. Alvarez

First Impressions

Human Behavior

Human behavior is influenced by culture, attitudes, emotions, values, ethics, authority, rapport, hypnosis, persuasion, coercion, and genetics (Wikipedia, 2011). It falls within a range with some behavior being common, unusual, acceptable, and some outside acceptable limits (Wikipedia, 2011).

First Impressions

First impressions are created by a composite of signals given off by a new experience (Flora, 2004). The judgment of these impressions depends on the observer and the person being observed (Flora, 2004). When you meet someone for the first time it takes about three seconds to be evaluated by the observer (Mind Tools, 1996-2011,). During this time the person forms an opinion about you based on your appearance, your body language, your demeanor, and how you dress (Mind Tools, 2996-2011,). Impressions are important to us because they are impossible to be reserved and the set the tone for all the relationships that follow (Mind Tools, 1996-2011).


Extraverts have an energy that is outwards towards people and things (Changing Minds, 2002-2011). They get their motivation from others, need a lot of stimulation, and express their motions (Changing Minds, 2002-2011). Rather than thinking of changing the world they want to change it (Changing Minds, 2002-2011). They have an attitude that is often relaxed and confident and they are understandable and accessible (Changing Minds, 2002-2011). Before thinking they act and like to communicate openly (Changing Minds, 2002-2011). They show energy and enthusiasm (Changing Minds, 2002-2011). They are often seen as shallow and pushy by introverts (Changing Minds, 2002-2011). After reading the first scenario of Joh...

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...from one another (Agno, 2011). Introverts get their energy internally and extroverts get their energy from being with other people (Agno, 2011). It is all part of human behavior.


Agno. (2011). The Leadership Blog. Retrieved from

Changing Minds. (2002-2011). Extraversion vs. Introversion. Retrieved from

Flora, C. (2004, May). The First Impression. Retrieved from

Mind Tools Ltd. (1996-2011). Making a Great First Impression. Retrieved from

Wikipedia. (2011). Human Behavior. Retrieved from

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