Finding a Solution to Global Warming

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Outline i. Introduction Thesis statement: It is important that the governments and people find solution for Global Warming problem and decrease the buildings and greenhouses emission, cut down the industrial waste heat, and encourage people to use biofuel in their vehicles. ii. Causes and effects of Global Warming a. Human activities b. Natural factors iii. Solution for Global Warming a. Decrease the buildings and the greenhouses emission b. Cut down the industrial emission c. Encourage people to use biofuel iv. Conclusion Global Warming Nowadays, one of the most difficult problems is Global Warming. It is obvious that increasing in earth's temperature has made significant negative effects on earth's climate during the last few decades. Not only earth's climate was affected, but also the world's life was involved by this changing. While most people do not realize the worse effects of rising the earth's temperature, the researchers try to illustrate the impact of changing the earth's temperature on the future of the next generations on this plant(1). Clearly, people could notice that earth's weather has varied several times during the last few decades(1). Because of the effects of Global Warming, winter season become warmer and warmer. These effects lead to many modifications on earth's climate. In our days, the researchers are working hardly to go ahead in their studies' and obtain the reasons and the impacts of Global Warming and discover the best solution for this dilemma. Consequently, researchers' studies figure out that Global Warming comes from many sources, especially human's activities and the natural factors. Both are responsible for increasing the figure of Carbon dioxide (Co2) and other gases in earth's atmos... ... middle of paper ... ... other solution to eliminate vehicles' emissions such as use bioethanol and biodiesel. Because this fuel has neutral Carbon atoms in its chemical form, the scientists named it biofuel (1). The researchers support using biofuel due to low Carbon emission that produce from burning this fuel. According to State of Connecticut's strategy, using biofuel will decrease dependence on fossil fuel by reducing its consumption by (20%) (7). Though many advantages of using biofuel in vehicles and industries, some researchers think that this strategy is very dangerous because it will utilize large agricultural area to make fuel instate of make food (1). They believe that this strategy will increase the price of vegetable oil in local markets (1). Moreover, burning biofuel produces solid Carbon (soot) to atmosphere and add another problem to earth's environment. In conclusion,

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