An Analysis Of Nike's 'Find Your Greatness'

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“Find Your Greatness” Advertisements really are a large part of our everyday lives. We see them everywhere. Regardless of if it is a commercial on TV, huge letters on a billboard or a bus, adverts on the radio, or even slogans on a friend’s clothing, we are constantly being bombarded with them. They are designed to attract a certain crowd by grabbing their interest and pulling them in. A couple years ago Nike’s big campaign was the “Find Your Greatness” campaign. It was all around the world and it definitely contributed to their success. Often times Olympic athletes were involved in the advertisements. By including successful Olympic athletes, Nike grabbed the attention of many and pulled them in. In a Nike advertisement from China, Chen Both in China and in the U.S., Nike uses these extremely successful, Olympic athletes in attempt to sell their product— by doing so they project their product to not just athletes but to anyone and everyone who wants to be great. Success is attractive and appeals to everyone. With these outstanding athletes, not just competing, but successfully competing, while wearing Nike’s brand, people want to follow. By portraying Nike as what great athletes and successful people wear, Nike demonstrates their product is what all people should be buying/wearing in order to be successful not just with athletics, but in truly everything. These advertisements are also slightly different in such that there is not necessarily an obvious culture difference when a person looks at these two advertisements (other than the language difference), but in the bigger picture. The Nike advertisement from China makes a larger statement than just “Buy our product blah blah blah...” Instead they completely stand up for Chen Yibing’s second place performance and argue their athlete deserved better. By defending their athlete and ultimately their country, the Chinese advertisement is stronger than the United States one because it does more than The advertisement from China does a better job than the advertisement from the United States with this. The advertisement from China, uses the people of China’s anger and confusion to push buyers to buy Nike anything to defend Chen’s second place performance. A buyer is not just buying a shirt or a pair of shorts but is buying a stance. By financially supporting Nike, a person is also supporting Chen and the entire Chinese Olympic team. The United States advertisement, on the other hand, is much less emotionally involved. It does make a person feel like they are supporting the United States Olympic Team if they buy and wear Nike, but it is not nearly as big of a deal as the other advertisement. This emotion that can be taken from the Chinese advertisement shows this advertisement is directed mainly toward the people of China who are upset with the 2012 Olympic results. But, can also be for any audience who loves success. The United States advertisement could also be specifically pinpointed to people who love and support the United States and the United States Olympic team. But, just like the advertisement from China, it could be directed toward really anyone who wants to be successful and who wants to achieve

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