Financial performance of Islamic banking and conventional banking in United Kingdom- A Comparative Study

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Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1-Introduction to Chapter:

This chapter describes the brief introduction about research title, research aims, research objectives, research hypothesis, research context and research limitation used in this research.

1.2-Research Title:

Financial performance of Islamic banking and conventional banking in United Kingdom- A Comparative Study.

1.3-Research Aim:

The Aim of this research is to analysed and evaluate the financial performance of European Islamic Investment Bank (UK) with Allied Irish bank (UK) and Northern Bank (UK), In Terms of their Profitability, Liquidity, Risk & solvency & Efficiency Ratios which will give an insight comparison of overall financial performances of European Islamic Investment Bank with Allied Irish bank And Northern Bank.

1.4- Research Objective

Research Objectives are set of goals which researchers intends to make from the research conducted. By Comparing financial performance of Islamic bank with other two conventional banks researcher can measure the overall financial health over the given period of Islamic bank.

 To understand the financial performance of Islamic bank.

 To understand the principles of Islamic banking and apply the knowledge in practice.

 To make the audience aware of the importance of and concept of Islamic banking.

 Based on research findings to propose recommendations for better financial performance

1.5 -Research Overview:

The Term Islamic banking (which is also known as Islamic finance) refers to the way of doing commerce and transactions which are Sharia compliance. For Islamic banks to work it must fully comply with Sharia .This type of Islamic economic system has now become a point of central attention in Islamic world...

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...ore than five years data would be available.


Venardos. Angelo, 2006, Islamic banking & Finance in South East Asia: Its Development and Future, Volume 3 of Asia-Pacific Business Series, Second Edition, World Scientific Publishers

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USEFUL WEBSITES: accessed on 23-05-10 accessed on 23-05-10 accessed on 23-05-10

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