Theme And Themes In The Film Children Of Men

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The film Children of Men tells the tell of a woman named Kee who becomes pregnant in a world where no woman has been fertile in over eighteen years. The world is in a dystopia state because of war, decease, and famine. A man by the name of Theon Faron helps Kee and her baby, whose name is Dylan, to safety. There are many different elements that make up this film 's true essence. From its theme to the genre all these components give the film its integrity, including religion which plays an underlying role throughout. These pieces that construct this great film can be evaluated more deeply. This paper will further analysis the theme, and genre in the film Children of Men.
The film has many religious undertones that can especially be seen in …show more content…

Why is this genre so important to the theme of the movie? The film itself is a drama, which is a “serious presentations or stories with settings or life situations that portray realistic characters in conflict with either themselves, others, or forces of nature (” In the definition, we read the word “conflict”, and when one is faced with a serious conflict one is looking for hope. Therefore making this genre of film the perfect fit for a film with this particular theme. Looking deeper one must ask, what makes a film a drama, and more specifically as dystopian drama. Erika Gottlieb in her book Dystopian Fiction East and West: Universe of Terror and Trial talks about many of the characteristics that shape the genre of a dystopian drama. There is still a government in place which is typical in a dystopian movie. With lots of nudges towards political satire. Erika Gottlieb refers to this characteristic commonly seen in dystopian films as, “Dystopia as a no man 's land between satire and tragedy (Gottlieb 13).” Where the film, “is a tragedy, but a somewhat unusual form of tragedy that also accommodates the didactic strategies of satire (Gottlieb 13).” Many things are immoderate crimes in this world reflecting Gottlieb’s characteristic “The deliberate miscarriage of justice: the protagonist’s trial (Gottlieb 10).” Even though there is no trial towards the protagonist this film has many corrupt laws from the mandatory fertility test to not being able to interact with any refugees. All of these actions are crimes against society. When thinking about this genre we know the people in these dystopian worlds are looking for salvation or hope. There are stories in the bible where similar redemption is shown like the story of Noah and the Arche. Within the genre itself is the evident theme with religious

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