The Doomsday Invention: The Field Of Artificial Intelligence

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The field of artificial intelligence was created in 1955 by a group of researchers who wanted to “make machines use language, form abstractions and concepts, solve the kinds of problems now reserved for humans, and improve themselves” (Khatchadourian 71). During this time, people aspired for, not feared, a future with civilizations made of intelligent robots. Today, critics of artificial intelligence seem to fear it for the eventual higher than human level of intelligence that its creators planned for it to ultimately possess all along. Herbert Simon, a computer scientist involved in the original project, recognized that humans would need to maintain control over the machines they created in case the machines became self-aware, but he was …show more content…

These philosophers maintain the idea that if the development of artificial intelligence is not managed meticulously by humans then artificial intelligence systems could essentially develop a mind of their own. “The Doomsday Invention” focuses on philosopher Nick Bostrom. Bostrom’s ideas on artificial intelligence stem from an interesting place. In his 20s, Bostrom joined a quasi-utopian movement that believes accelerating advances in technology will result in drastic, possibly apocalyptic, changes. Such groups often use the ecological relationship between people and gorillas as a comparison to what they believe will happen with artificial intelligence. Both humans and gorillas are primates, but one species dominates the planet while the other is at the edge of extinction. Bostrom hopes to use probability theory to make ideas about the future of artificial intelligence that would normally seem impossible a little more believable. He wants people to refrain from focusing solely on the “near-term” benefits of artificial intelligence. Critics of artificial intelligence fear the possibility of an “intelligence explosion”. This hypothetical situation is a disastrous event where artificial intelligence gains the ability to improve itself, thus eventually exceeding the intellectual potential of the …show more content…

CRISPR is a collection of DNA sequences found in a type of bacteria that can target invading viruses, send a special enzyme to break them apart, and use the pieces to create a rudimentary enzyme. CRISPR contains two components, a cellular scalpel to cut DNA and RNA that is capable of transmitting biological information throughout the genome (Specter 52). Scientists created synthetic versions of this RNA, so it can deliver the special enzyme to cut apart the sections of a DNA strand the scientists want to remove. With more research, scientists could theoretically send CRISPR to replace the parts of DNA that cause genetic diseases such as sickle-cell anemia and cystic fibrosis. This procedure has already been performed successfully in rat DNA. CRISPR technology can also be used in agriculture, with Chinese scientists utilizing it to create a strain of wheat that is resistant to destructive powdery mildew. Japanese scientists also used this technology to increase the life of tomatoes by removing the gene that makes them ripen too soon. Some diseases are not as simple as a defect of one gene, but CRISPR can make the process of understanding the composition of diseases that include hundreds of genes easier and more efficient. If this technology were used to fix genetic problems in embryos, the change would remain in the entire genome and be passed down

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